Black Cat Fastpitch is dedicated to providing you with a safe training atmosphere.
We will be following guidelines and procedures as recommended by the CDC, the state of Pennsylvania, and nationally recognized Youth Sports Organizations. The following procedures will be implemented to mitigate health risks in accordance with the aforementioned recommendations:
Masks/face coverings are mandatory for all participants who are not fully vaccinated. Failure to comply will result in dismissal. Please speak to the coaches regarding breathing issues (ie: asthma) or mental health/learning issues related to physical activity and mask wearing. Attendees who are fully vaccinated according to CDC guidelines are not required to wear a mask.
Participants who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, or who were exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the last 14 days, are not permitted to attend training until CDC/PA Dept. of Health regulations have been followed regarding testing, quarantine, etc. There is no cancellation fee for cancelling training due to COVID-19 related issues (symptoms or exposure or possible exposure/symptoms).
Additional spectators: Pitchers may include one catcher in their lesson and one additional spectator. One spectator is permitted to observe all other lesson types. In the event that we cannot accommodate a spectator due to space issues, we will inform you (ie: we cannot always allow observation of a hitting lesson if there is a simultaneous group pitching lesson occurring due to space limitations).
All participants are required to wash or sanitize their hands upon entering and leaving the facility. Participants will also sanitize their hands periodically throughout their lesson.Hand sanitizer is located throughout the facility.
Participants will take part in a mandatory equipment wipe down at the end of every lesson - any equipment used by a participant must be sanitized by the participant . Sanitization buckets will be assigned to each training lane. Spray the paper towel, wipe down the equipment you used. Sanitization buckets will also contain hand sanitizer for use at any time.
All participants will maintain social distancing at all times throughout the facility. Participants should not enter the turf training area until an instructor assigns you your training area.
Participants should leave their equipment bags in their vehicles, and only bring in what is necessary for the specific service. Catchers only are permitted to bring their equipment bags into the facility.
Disinfecting procedures will occur upon opening and closing every day. Commonly used spaces including the bathroom, waiting room, doors, and the turf will be disinfected regularly.
Our filtered water fountain is now open. Participants are reminded to bring a sufficient supply of water or a water bottle that can be refilled at our water fountain. The facility can be very hot in the summer, so participants are urged to pack extra fluids.